Ways to Keep Your Bone Young in Old Age

Five Star Clinic
3 min readJan 3, 2022

Our skeleton acts as a structure for our body and armor for our vital organs. Our bones help with storing minerals like phosphorus and calcium, along with supporting our muscles for locomotion. As we age, our bones experience a series of changes. Our bone mass density keeps increasing from our birth and reaches its peak by the time we are in our twenties. After which, it deposits less bone mass than it loses. The loss of bone mass as we age can cause osteoporosis.

Stats show that people in their 50s and above have weaker bones. It’s also observed that 1 in 4 men and 1 in 2 women experience bone fractures due to osteoporosis. Therefore, it’s crucial to be careful about your bone health, especially at an older age. Certain risk factors may lead to early osteoporosis. These include lack of physical exercise, low vitamin D intake, being underweight, hormonal imbalance, drinking and smoking, and consuming particular medication.

While these factors may lead to early osteoporosis, some things could be done to make bones healthier, which include:

Preventing Osteoporosis

  • Consuming calcium and vitamin D enriched food and drinks. (low-fat dairy, tofu, leafy vegetables, soy milk, salmon, and nuts)
  • Getting out in the sun for 10 to 15 minutes three to four times a week
  • Exercising for 20 to 30 minutes daily or five times a week (consult your doctor for the type of exercise suited for you)
  • Avoiding alcohol and tobacco (maximum one drink per day for men and one drink every two days for women)
  • Taking regular health check-ups and bone density tests

The most rapid bone growth happens during childhood and adolescence. Proper diet and physical exercise during these years help develop bones that stay strong during old age. However, this is not the only age to prepare your bones for old age. There are certain measures that you can take even in your 30s to develop a healthy bone structure. Here are a few activities that can help people in their 30s to prevent rapid future bone loss:

Ways to prevent Future Rapid Bone Loss

Exercising at old age
  • Regular exercise for at least 40 minutes
  • Regular bone density tests
  • Having regular eye check-ups
  • Being cautious about accidents and falls
  • Additional calcium and vitamin D intake for people over the age of 45
  • Having Periodic Dexa Scans for vulnerable or high-risk patients.

If you are concerned about your weak bones due to your growing age, you are at the right place. 5 Star Clinic offers various treatments, including massage therapies in Preston for senior citizens. Visit our pain treatment center in Preston today.

Contact us for further details.

