Man using a back massage serviceIs Poor Posture Causing Your Back Pain?

Five Star Clinic
3 min readJul 12, 2021
Woman with back pain looking for

Back pain affects most people at some point in their lives. Some causes of back pain aren’t avoidable because it’s often a symptom indicating a greater problem that needs to be looked at. However, back pain can also be a result of easily avoidable habits that you may not even know are harmful for you.

With the COVID pandemic still raging, more people find themselves working from their beds in uncomfortable positions, not realizing that they may be harming their backs. It is, therefore, important to identify back pain and fix the bad posture that could be causing it.

Do You Have Back Pain?

You may have been ignoring your back pain, thinking it’s normal. If you have any of these symptoms, you may have preventable back pain:

· Shooting pain radiating from a point in the back

· Stabbing or burning sensation

· Pain that gets worse upon movements like bending, walking, lifting weights, etc.

If you have these symptoms, it is important to find the root cause of the problem.

Poor Posture & Back Pain

Poor posture is a common (and perhaps the most ignored) cause of back pain. Here are a few examples of poor posture that you may be exhibiting without knowing:

· Using a laptop in bed without proper back support.

· Not sitting up or standing straight.

· Bringing your head forward to look at your phone’s screen.

· Bent knees while walking or standing.

These are merely some examples of bad posture. However, all of these have one thing in common: they bring your spine out of its neutral, straight alignment. An aligned, straight spine can bear the load correctly as it’s dispersed across the whole spine. When you exhibit poor posture, certain areas of your spine are under more pressure than the rest. This exerts pressure on specific joints, muscles, and discs in your back.

What we know is this would be fine for short tasks or if these postures are not kept for too long, because the key point is to change posture and muscles used in the tasks often. If this is not possible, a proper posture allowing the use of joints and muscles in the most advantageous way can reduce the likelihood of developing back pain.

Man using a back massage service

What To Do About It

Back pain is not impossible to recover from. With these easy steps, you can allow your back to heal effectively:

· Anytime where you need to keep a static posture for long, get an assessment to set up your station in the most comfortable and advantageous way.Keep your shoulders back and your head straight.

· When sitting for long, change frequently postures, stand and have a little walk/stretch every hour

· Make your muscles strong so they will be able to manage strains easier

· Seek professional help for back pain before becomes a chronic issue

Back pain because of poor posture is a vicious cycle. The more you’re set in your ways, the more difficult it is to improve your posture. Seek treatment for back pain so you can start working on your posture as well.

If you’re based in Lancashire, avail of 5 Star Clinic’s physiotherapy, massage, and acupuncture treatments in Preston for your health and well-being and bid farewell to your persistent back pain. For more information, drop an email at or call 07537 824848.

